Film and Tv language : Film poster analysis



-action code 

- lighting coming out of protagonist to resemble a hero 

-antagonist smoking to show authority and does not care 

- star power to appeal to audience 

Scary movie 2


-no standout main character

-target audience teenager and adults 

-hybrid genre

- aimed at middle/lower class 


- pathetic fallacy to represent the dull,depressed mood 


- aimed at older adults as they may relate 

-long camera shot 

-protagonist is facing away from the camera and all black to resemble a shadow and keep the mysterious look 

I’m not scared 

- enigma code 

-low camera shot 

-mystery, film hybrid genre 

-aimed at teenagers

-aimed at middle class 

Sin city 


-action code

-film noir

-no main character 

-dark lighting and rain to resemble death and crime 

Pirates of the Caribbean 

-tagline to attract audience 

-action and adventure 

-action code 

-high-key lighting 

-main protagonist to use star appeal to attract audiences 

Bride and Prejudice 

-high-key lighting to represent the celebration

-2 main protagonist 

-long camera shot 

- romantic comedy hybrid genre 

-pathetic fallacy to show the mood of the family 

Million dollar baby 

-lowkey lighting to emphasise the mysterious and serious scenery 

-medium camera shot 

-sport drama 

-femme fatale 

-star appeal 


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